Causes and Treatment for Outer, Side, and Inner Hip Pain
There are many possible causes of hip pain. They include serious ones, like a fracture or joint infection, and less serious causes, like bursitis.1 Your healthcare provider can diagnose the cause and help to plan your treatment.
Natural remedies for tendinitis inflammation
Tendinitis can take time to heal. Natural remedies for the inflammation include rest, ice, compression, physical therapy, and complementary treatments, such as acupuncture.
Hand Pain Causes and Treatment Options
Hand pain can have many causes because the hand is made up of many different parts. The bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, skin, and other structures that help the hands do a wide range of tasks can also be sources of pain.
What happens with a pinched nerve in the shoulder?
When something compresses or pinches a nerve in the shoulder, a person may experience pain, numbness, or tingling. Pinched nerves typically heal without treatment.
Knee Pain at Night: Causes and Treatment
Knee pain at night is a common discomfort that can be caused by injury, arthritis, bursitis, gout, and more. This pain at bedtime is not only frustrating but also can lead to pain-induced insomnia, which can leave you exhausted during the day.